To many people in this misguided world, the notion of diversity also means accepting — against your will and better judgment and in the name of social responsibility — a great deal of aberrant antisocial, sexual and criminal behavior, misdeeds and misconduct which, before the word "diversity" became the liberal catch-all, were unacceptable activities rightfully attributed to remorseless misfits, sociopaths and criminals who couldn't care less about any body else or what was right and wrong.
There's a big difference between being "a liberal" and being "a libertine" but hardly anyone seems to know the difference anymore. And we wonder why there are a lot more social issues facing us today than there used to be. All those extra worries and troubles once had answers and solutions. But, from seemingly out of nowhere, those answers and solutions became, unimaginably, the biggest chinks in our human armor.
And that's our own fault. Whenever right becomes wrong, there aren't any more solutions. Just more problems.