The timing was perfect. From 1950 to 1953 the U.S. military was waging a "police action" in Korea, with World War II hero and U.S. Army icon General Douglas MacArthur in command. In command of General MacArthur was U.S. President Harry S. Truman, a feisty liberal Democrat whose unabashed patriotism blinded him to the global Communist threat from the USSR that both General MacArthur and Senator McCarthy had so astutely identified. Before them, visionary U.S. Army General George Patton offered to eradicate the Soviet Red threat at the source but, in true politically-correct form, a shell-shocked General Dwight D. Eisenhower (who would later betray his own country as President in 1952 and turn it over to aliens called Greys) and Illuminati control freak President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (who'd already, in true Freemason-New World Order form, betrayed America to the Illuminati-controlled Cabal in 1935) fired the one man who would have prevented The Cold War by "nipping it in the bud". Instead, The Cold War, that infamous cloak-and-dagger spy game and deadly game of military chess played between The Soviets and The Americans, became the only game in town for the next forty-six years.
At a time when Americans were afraid of Communists who were half a world away from them, they were clueless about the reality of Communists among themselves, fellow Americans who secretly and actively embraced Communism as a preferred political and social way of life and who couldn't care less that their political activism ran counter to the basic tenets of American freedom. When faced with being branded as traitors by Senator Joseph McCarthy, they rebelled and they hid, like cowards do when faced with the truth. McCarthy almost single-handedly rousted dozens of Communists from the ranks of the U.S. Army and the State Department who had been serving up our atomic and military and national secrets to the USSR like a bunch of Benedict Arnolds under the democratic administration of a stupid, embarrassed and incensed Harry Truman.
The early 1950s also saw the triumph of the federal government over Communism when the House Un-American Activities Committee took the battle to Hollywood. Dozens of actors, writers and directors were "blacklisted" which meant that they could no longer influence a still innocent America with Communist propaganda in the form of full-length feature films.
When FBI agent Robert Hanssen was caught and arrested for treason in 2001 for selling U.S. military secrets to the Russians and for causing the worst breach in national security in the history of the United States, that alone should have vindicated the trials and tribulations of freedom fighter Senator Joseph McCarthy, nearly sixty years before that. But it didn't. Fighting the Commies in Korea for three years after we defeated the Nazis didn't raise a big red flag, either, for Americans. A big Red warning that told us that, if there were Americans spying for the USSR among our own military and State Department in the 1950s, someone like Joe McCarthy was certainly on our side.
When the Rosenbergs were caught, arrested, convicted and hanged for spying for the Commies and for trying to parlay our atom bomb secrets into a Soviet doggie bag for Switzerland, few people thought McCarthy was right in going after more of the Commie bastards in our own ranks. Even when Nikita Kruschev tried to install Soviet rockets in Cuba that could hit the U.S. mainland with a nuclear payload within minutes and JFK made him dismantle them and ship them back to mother Russia, not even then had Senator Joseph McCarthy been doing his senatorial, patriotic duty, according to fickle Americans who quickly forget their duties as citizens when their bellies and their gas tanks are full.
Too bad we don't have a Joe McCarthy in government today. But we don't need a McCarthy figure to go after Commies nowadays. We need him to go after Hollywood like the HUAC did back in the Fifties. But not to roust Reds and put them on trial. No. We need a guy like Senator Joseph McCarthy to hunt down the morally bankrupt, vile, dirty-minded, unscrupulous purveyors of decadence and filth that make up today's Hollywood. Then the new Joe could put a bounty on Madison Avenue advertisers who bombard American citizens daily with subliminal advertising that promotes decadence and degradation. And the biggest culprit of all, American television, would be on the chopping block for invading the sanctity of the American home with visions of belly buttons and butt cracks and the snide, sarcastic and sexually suggestive humor that is undermining our American way of life.
And what would be the official "charge" that a new Senate would use to send the new anti-American offenders to the slammer for life or to the gallows in this day and age? How about being "a threat to the national security of the United States" for starters? That's right. Nothing less. After all, it seems to me that when an entire nation is so preoccupied with what's going on from the waist down, it forgets to look up and to look around and to look in the mirror for the real enemy that threatens America. The dark side of ourselves.
The Venona Project, a long-running secret collaboration of US and UK intelligence agencies involving decryption of messages sent by the Soviet Union, declassified certain files in 1995 proving that those Americans who were accused by Senator Joseph McCarthy of spying for the USSR had, indeed, been traitorous spies. Yet the maligned memory of Joe McCarthy lives on in the hearts and minds of most Americans while the real legacy remains hidden. The real legend of Joe McCarthy, like that of Richard Milhous Nixon, is, in fact, the story of a patriot who was turned into a scapegoat by a nation that could no longer bear to look at itself in the mirror.
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