The little pinko prick Lee Harvey Oswald pulled the trigger and everybody knows that. Whether or not there was "a puff of smoke from the grassy knoll", indicating the presence of another gunman, is a moot point. JFK was more than likely shot dead because he tried to end the war in Vietnam, a dangerous undertaking in those times of unchallenged U.S. military might, pat-on-the-back, good-ole-boy politicians and corporate America ass-kissers, all of whom stood to gain a lot from the uninterrupted flow of guns and ammo and aviation plastics and high-tech goodies from Yankee factories into southeast Asia.
We can't blame Castro, who never forgot the botched Bay of Pigs Invasion and the subsequent trade embargo JFK signed off on. Fidel Castro was too emotional, too stupid and too poor to pull off such a stunt. And we dare not blame Jackie Kennedy, who may have been at the end of her rope with a husband who couldn't keep it zipped (let's face it, JFK made Bill Clinton look like a monk), because Jackie Kennedy was a loyal First Lady from day one and a true patriot.
But we might be able to blame an over-ambitious Lyndon Johnson, the cross-dressing tyrant J. Edgar Hoover, that dastardly General Hershey who headed up the Selective Service System and The Joint Chiefs of Staff for JFK's assassination. Hell, playing Cold War chess with the Soviet Union in southeast Asia was obviously very high on their agendas while watching the Secret Service stand guard over the back door into JFK's secret love nest apparently wasn't.
There are other theories, of course. Many people still believe that the Mafia had JFK killed because Robert Kennedy, as U. S. Attorney General under JFK, had been putting a lot of mobsters in federal pens for murder and racketeering and he was gunning for Jimmy Hoffa who controlled the Teamsters Union's purse strings, a purse he loaned the Mob money out of to buy and build casinos in Las Vegas. The Mafia theory gained a lot of strength after RFK was gunned down by another zealous, bird-brain trigger man, Sirhan Sirhan, in 1968.
And there's the theory that JFK was assassinated because he dissolved The National Bank (The Federal Reserve Bank) and was pushing for a silver standard, a move that would make a dollar of U.S. currency worth 100 cents again. An inflation-fighting move that would pull the rug out from under Wall Street investors and speculators who rely heavily on wage-price spirals in order to make their periodic windfall profits. On June 4th 1963 JFK signed Executive Order 11110, stripping the privately-owned Federal Reserve bank of its power to lend the U.S. Government money at interest. That Executive Order is still valid today. The Federal Reserve still exists but it's not supposed to make money by lending the federal government money. Maybe one day they'll try to sell the feds The Brooklyn Bridge.
Then there's the theory that the speech JFK gave on TV, a mere ten days before his assassination in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963, is the thing that got him killed. This is the same speech JFK gave to The National Press Club in April of that year. But, this time, the White House interrupted regular television programming just for this speech, as if what the President had to say was urgent and breaking news. As if the public had to hear what The National Press Club and the government would try to conceal. Or ignore. In this brief speech President Kennedy made veiled references to what seemed to be the Communist threat from the Soviet Union. But when JFK denounced "secret societies with secret oaths and secret proceedings" and referred to a "monolithic conspiracy" I doubt very much if he was referring to the U.S.S.R. Especially when he promised the American people that his administration would be open and not secret, that it would be accountable ("transparent", as they say today).
It sounds to me like JFK was renouncing the Illuminati, the Rothschilds, the Bilderbergers, the Skull & Bones Society, The Knights Templar, the 35th Degree Masons and the secret world government whose control and influence Abraham Lincoln had previously rejected during his administration, especially because of the diabolical, money-tending Rothschild family who already controlled Great Britain's entire money supply and who was after control of America's abundant wealth. The "real" Earthly powers-that-be. That's right, the Rothschilds offered to finance the Union Army's battle against the Confederacy but President Lincoln, true to form, told the Illuminati's money tenders to take a hike. That, people, is an historical fact that they don't teach you in high school in America the Beautiful.
Considering what subsequently happened to both Lincoln and JFK, my money is on the last theory. I think having two American presidents take a stand against the Illuminati was the straw that broke the camel's back. The "camel" being the power brokers of the "New World Order", an Illuminati-inspired global conspiracy that reared its ugly head long before President Herbert W. Bush (the 41st President) announced its inevitability to a shocked and disbelieving world. But, then, I've always been a conspiracy theorist. So don't go by me.
* Post edited on April 5, 2014 for clarity
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