Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Interstate Highway "Snow Job"

In the 1960s federal and state lawmakers, whose palms were regularly greased by special interest groups representing the American trucking industry, paved the way for the nation's first “Interstate Highway System”.

The first step in this ill-conceived program of greed and avarice was the government seizure of private land by “condemning it” and invoking the “right of eminent domain”. These corrupt and vision-less bureaucrats put thousands of productive family farms out of business with reckless abandon and cut small-town America in half so that trucks could begin hauling the goods that America’s railroads once hauled. These were the goods that the railroads delivered without endangering motorists by sharing the same road with them and at one-fourth the cost of trucking those same goods. But no one seemed to care about any of that.

Built for trucks, but showcased as modern highways for family travel, America’s interstate highways soon turned small towns all over America into empty “bedroom communities” while turning America the Beautiful into a giant concrete scar littered with unsightly billboards.

And only Lady Bird Johnson seemed to give a hoot about that.

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