In 1935 President Franklin D. Roosevelt was instrumental in altering the back of the U.S. one-dollar bill to the way it looks today. The change added the creepy "All-Seeing Eye of God" atop a skinny Egyptian pyramid to the left side of the back of the American dollar bill (changed from the original right-side choice that would have placed the American eagle on the left side).
This almost unilateral act of altering forever the cultural, historical and traditional value of America's main currency denomination was, in effect, a secret, self-blessing of America with the will of God. "Annuit coeptis" is latin for "God has favored our undertakings". "Novus ordo seclorum" is Latin for "New Order of the Ages". FDR's secret tinkering with the American Buck was an unimaginable act of arrogance and unaccountable religious ambition by one, lone Freemason on America's behalf.
This almost unilateral act of altering forever the cultural, historical and traditional value of America's main currency denomination was, in effect, a secret, self-blessing of America with the will of God. "Annuit coeptis" is latin for "God has favored our undertakings". "Novus ordo seclorum" is Latin for "New Order of the Ages". FDR's secret tinkering with the American Buck was an unimaginable act of arrogance and unaccountable religious ambition by one, lone Freemason on America's behalf.

So, where did this creepy, demonic-looking eyeball pyramid come from? It came from the back of the Great Seal of the United States that was commissioned in 1782 (the eagle is the front of The Great Seal and the image on the right side of the back of the modern dollar bill. Naturally, I have no problem with the eagle — it's truly magnificent and pure American — just the pyramid and that hideous, goofy eyeball.
So, you might ask again, where in the hell did it come from before that? Egypt, Greece, Rome? For my money, it was a little gift from the Illuminati Inner Circle, the New World Order movers-and-shakers who seem to worship Lucifer, Satan, Moloch (the horned owl god), Jesus and Almighty God all at the same time. They're all over the federal government and just about anywhere else where power is sought and brokered.
But who cares where it came from? It sure as hell doesn't belong on the U.S. one-dollar bill or on anything else American. And any redneck hillbilly asshole from any redneck American town could have told you that.
So, you might ask again, where in the hell did it come from before that? Egypt, Greece, Rome? For my money, it was a little gift from the Illuminati Inner Circle, the New World Order movers-and-shakers who seem to worship Lucifer, Satan, Moloch (the horned owl god), Jesus and Almighty God all at the same time. They're all over the federal government and just about anywhere else where power is sought and brokered.
But who cares where it came from? It sure as hell doesn't belong on the U.S. one-dollar bill or on anything else American. And any redneck hillbilly asshole from any redneck American town could have told you that.
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